What is old is new again. Black becomes the ‘new black’. Everything in this life has a cycle. This article: “4 Trends Impacting Retail Marketing Strategies” is an interesting read.
magazine advertising
The 2018 Box Score for Magazines is Here!
Every year, it is with bated breath that we await the latest box score report, letting us know who is up, and what magazines are really making it happen at retail. Click here for the 2018 report.

Magazine Media Tells and Sells
Great new article from Linda Thomas Brooks, President and CEO, MPA – The Association of Magazine Media… The Facts: “Magazine Media Tells and Sells” that has been posted on Magazines Canada website. Click here to view.
She was also interviewed by Mr. Magazine recently. Click here to read the interview.
Magazine Media Is Trusted
The pendulum is swinging again, with trust of content becoming more important again to readers. Did you know, The Economist is getting ready to celebrate its 175th birthday this year? Now, this is a magazine that people trust.

Magazine Advertising Effectiveness Versus Perception
Advertising in magazines has long been known to get results for advertisers. Magazine readers like seeing ads in magazines and retain that information more than with other advertising. The curated content in magazines attracts readers and the ads that accompany that content are relevant to the readers.
So then, what is going on with advertising today, in this ‘digital world’. Has it changed, or has the perception just changed?